Baptismal Records

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It is always useful to view each and every baptismal record for your ancestor’s family.

A recent case gained enormously from such an examination of the baptismal records.

The case concerned a family who emigrated to Canada. It was believed that the date for their departure could be narrowed to a four year window, based on the age of a child born in Dublin, and the next child born in Canada. However, to be thorough, we searched Dublin parish records and discovered the couple had another child, born in the summer of 1881, thus narrowing down the window even further. This proved helpful when searching shipping records.

But the additional bonus of this baptismal record was the mention, by the priest, of a reverend father, of the same name as the infant’s father. A catholic priest (or indeed any clergyman) is likely to be documented in the records and so it proved in this case. We followed this useful clue, which led us to the place of origin for this family.

As for the child in the baptismal record, she died, as so many Dublin children did, in infancy and had not appeared with her family on the Canadian census.


By Carmel Gilbride

By Caitlin Bain


5 years ago

Can I acess Babtismal records on your site as I don’t seem to be a bake to access any, just names of book publications.

5 years ago

Hi Elizabeth, no we do not have Baptismal records they can be found on the National Library Ireland site of FindMyPast

Do we have to join find my past too?

Disregard that question

4 years ago

I have searched the National library site and I even came to Ireland to look there. I was not able to find my grandparents birth records. Is there a way to find a database of the Catholic Churches in a location during the late 1800’s. I realize there are churches standing today, but what about possible churches that are no longer there?

4 years ago

I have searched the National library site and I even came to Ireland to look there. I was not able to find my grandparents birth records. Is there a way to find a database of the Catholic Churches in a location during the late 1800’s. I realize there are churches standing today, but what about possible churches that are no longer there?

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