Breaking down brick-walls.


Recently, a student from the 2017 British Institute got in touch, to say that the work we had done facilitated her in breaking down a brick-wall within her family history research - an answer that had eluded them for more than two generations!

Maureen Reed sent a message of pure gratitude, and made this genie’s day!

It's a perfect example of how hard work and perseverance will get you a long way, but having a robust research method, is what gets you over the hump.


Read here: Documents + DNA = Discovery by Maureen K Reed


Thank you Maureen for your inspiring story, and for taking the time to share it with us! 


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2019 British Institute

Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, Salt Lake City

 14-18 October 2019 


Online Registration Now Open!

Early registration:   2 January - 30 April 2019

General registration:    1 May - 30 September 2019

Late registration:    1 October - 7 October 2019


Mail-in registration available soon


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By Caitlin Bain


3 years ago

I have a brick wall. Mary E. O’Brien born in Dublin 1 August 1856, daughter of Michael John O’Brien and Ann Clarke.

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