Thank you for taking part!

Last month we sent out a survey in our newsletter to better understand and meet your needs, and find out how we are tracking in terms of providing you real value.

To all of you who completed the survey – thank you. Your feedback is really important to us, as it not only educates where we need to focus our attention over the next 12 months, but also areas where you need additional support and where we can improve our service offering to you.

We are pleased to announce the results were enormously constructive. We are still prioritising action items, and we will keep you updated on the new initiatives we will be working on off the back of your responses.

As a thank you for participating, we entered those of you who chose to include your email in a draw for some brilliant prizes. We’ve stuck our hands in the hat and pulled out 10 lucky people who will receive:

  • A FREE reproduction of the successful series The Irish Ancestor (1969-1986) 
  • A FREE special offer DVD containing several titles relating to the 1916 rising 
  • and 1 complimentary ticket to our visitor centre, based in the CHQ building in Dublin

We will be in touch with the lucky winners early next week so for now there’s nothing left to say but, again, thank you for your help! 

By Caitlin Bain


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