Shedding Light on ESB Archives

Free Expert Workshop with Deirdre McParland, Senior Archivist ESB Archives

13 Oct 17 to 13 Oct 17


The history of ESB is part of our national narrative: from the Shannon Scheme to Rural Electrification, Ireland was revolutionized through its first semi-state body.

Join Deirdre McParland, Senior Archivist of ESB’s archives, to explore the resources recently made available at and their use as a historical source, documenting the industrial development and modernization of the nation alongside the transformation of the daily lives of its citizens. Discover how the details of ESB’s archives collection add depth and shed light on Ireland’s past.

This Expert Workshop takes place on Fri 13 October 2017, 3pm - 4.30pm at the Royal  Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin, and is free to attend. 

Book a place now on this free Expert Workshop and learn how these resources can help your historical research. 




I guess that "Natives know what ESB stands for, but much of your audience in the diaspora is ignorant of these ABBREVIATIONS, even though, in my case I have ancestors in 7 counties and have researched since the 1980's… I can only assume that E= Electric, but you give no further clues in this announcement.

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